Tuesday, June 25, 2024


The new camera has been deployed in the woods. In the three weeks since I last checked, a familiar family of three bears came through twice. I know they are the same bears that rolled through last July because one of them is cinnamon colored. I thought it was interesting how the cinnamon bear appeared in the infrared image versus his/her mama and sibling.

The image of the deer is the last one out in the woods on Browning #11. It has been replaced by the newest Browning #15 and will be relegated to the back fence at home.

I brought Reconyx #2 home because the batteries were dead and it could use a cleanup. It has been at the Snow Creek footbridge, which is falling apart. Last time I was there, the cables on one side had come loose. Since then, one of the major support posts has snapped, complicating any repair efforts significantly. I am told it is not an official National Forest Service structure and it doesn't actually go anywhere, so I'm guessing it may never be fixed. In place of #2, I left Browning #5. I was going to put #5 on the back side of the tree with #15, but plans change. When #2 is ready to go, I'm not sure whether to put it back in the same location. I have gotten bears and coyotes there, but with the bridge about to collapse I'm not sure they will continue to come through. I have something in mind south of #7, but I've never found a good tree in that area so I would have to use the t-post adapter and a tomato stake.

Cinnamon, Reconyx #7
Sibling and mama, Reconyx #7
Cinnamon in infrared, Reconyx #7
Mama, Reconyx #7
Sibling, Reconyx #7
Prey, Browning #11
Snow Creek, 6D
Moss, 6D

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