Saturday, June 22, 2024


The big birds have been featured here the past few weeks. I decided to try for the medium and small birds today, focusing on fence posts near the birdbaths. I swear I check the background when I set up, but there's a bright white building in the first one and someone's house in the second one. My intent was to aim up and get the mountain as background, but the camera wasn't low enough. Anyway, a robin, and a sparrow with a moth. Canon 1D Mark II #9, 100-400mm zoom, motion trigger. Robin is zoomed to 200mm, sparrow to 240mm.

But I did get one big bird. I saw a black-chinned (or ruby-throated) hummingbird this morning, so I had the 500mm on the Canon 6D Mark II #12 set up on the patio trying to get it. Off in the distance I saw the female flicker on the fence, and got a few shots of her as she flew down to the birdbath. After a few minutes she flew away. Later I saw the male fly in and out, but the light was getting low and those images aren't worth posting. But I think I answered my question about whether the flickers approach the birdbath on foot or in the air.

I never got the black-chinned, but I did get a few more Calliopes. One is included below. Neither of these images is remote/motion triggered so technically they are not eligible to be posted here yada yada yada.

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