Friday, June 14, 2024

Adverse conditions

If I have one rule in regard to my motion-triggered DSLRs, it is "Save the shutter actuations on the good cameras." In practice that means put the wear-and-tear on the ancient Canon 1D Mark II #9 instead of the Canon 5D Mark III #8 or Canon 6D Mark II #12. I don't want to be firing off 2,000 bad images and get nothing, but that's what happened with the 5D since last evening. I saw in the weather report that it was supposed to be sunny today, so I left the 5D out overnight hoping to get some shots of birds coming to the birdbath just after sunrise. What I neglected to note in the weather report was the projected high winds. I woke up around 3:30 and heard the wind howling, and in the morning found our umbrella table blown over. It was not damaged, but it got moved five feet despite being set in a water-filled base. The 5D worked through the night, responding to every nudge of the wind with six shutter actuations, getting absolutely nothing.

I replaced the 5D with the 1D, and found out the forecast sunny skies actually were intermittent clouds and rain. We had a heavy but brief downpour and some small hail, which put on a show as it hit the water in the birdbath. Fortunately, one of the attributes of the sturdy 1D line is its weatherproofing. And finally, a flicker came and posed while getting a drink. Canon 1D Mark II, 70-200mm zoom at 131mm.

Small hail
<--- It belongs over there

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