Saturday, May 25, 2024

Winter drags on

We had a winter storm on May 23 with about three inches of heavy, wet snow. Today, two days later, it hasn't all melted yet. I'm probably going to buy flowers today, but it will be for containers that can be brought into the garage if more snow threatens in June. My consolation is, when California is a 150-degree desert due to climate change, the weather here might be decent.

The first image shows the height of the storm and is more evidence why I've never been a huge fan of the Browning Strike Force HD Pro model even though I have two of them (#5 and #6). In snow, the center is reddish and the edges are bluish. This is not something recent, it also shows in one of my better moose images from 2017, although I spent some time on that image to balance it out. This one, I spent a minute on it but it is still obvious. After that are three images from yesterday and one from today.

I saw a bluebird and multiple swallows this morning, so it is time to redeploy the Gardepro and see who is claiming the boxes.

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