Saturday, May 18, 2024

That didn't work

Maybe The Internet will eventually be right and the swallows and bluebirds will tolerate each other as neighbors. But for now, the swallows seem to be getting ready to take both nest boxes, contrary to what The Internet says. So rather than continuing to get a bunch of swallow images, I have moved the new Gardepro T5CF #14 trailcam to one of the birdbaths. I expect the clientele will include blackbirds, crows, and various LBBs (little brown birds aka sparrows). Maybe the goldfinches will show up at some point when summer arrives, i.e. mid-June. Here is one of those blackbirds resting on the old nest box. They are voracious eaters of the sunflower seeds that I put in two of the feeders. The birdbath is just to the right of the shed in the background.

Below that are two of the first few images from the new location, a magpie getting a drink. The images are about an hour apart, which is why the lighting is different.

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