Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Yesterday we probably had our worse winter storm of the season. We got a little bit of wet snow, but the nasty part was the wind. We don't get hurricanes in Montana, so they say, but the wind picked up our garbage can and dropped it in our neighbor's yard. And it knocked over the trailcam monitoring the nest box. Before it tipped over, it got a couple shots of swallows trying to horn in on the work the bluebirds have done. The bluebirds seem to disappear when the weather is bad, so we'll see if they return in a day or two. They were last seen in the early morning on the 5th. The hope still is the bluebirds get this box and the swallows take the new box 30 feet away.

Also seen, the first appearance of the neighborhood deer on this camera. I don't know what the one found interesting about the box.

If I was really anal, I would edit these images so the horizon is level and the colors are the same. But there are some variations and I'm not going to worry about it. Also, I'm not using the Gardepro T5CF #14 info strip on these images because I deskew and crop these very wide images, but I did type in my own date stamp. Whether I'll keep doing that, I don't know.

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