Sunday, August 4, 2024

No joy

I checked the forest cameras for the first time since July 7 and the new Browning had absolutely nothing on it. Either I put bad batteries in it or it is depleting the batteries much quicker than it should. I used a fresh set this time, and if they are dead in a month I know it is the camera.

But I did get images of moose, elk and deer with the two Reconyx. I also got a raccoon for the first time in that location, I believe, but I didn't post an image because it is hard to see. I put the old Browning #5 in a new location on a post, and it got a snapshot of a bear. I know that is a high-traffic area, but there are no appropriate trees, so I used a tomato stake and a t-post adapter.

I haven't had a camera on the backyard birdbath recently as there have been too many children running around, but that will dissipate next week and I'll see if the young bluebirds are still coming around.

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