Sunday, August 18, 2024

No blind

After the mostly-unproductive session in the hunting blind a few days ago, I set out the close-focus trailcam the last few days to see how often the bluebirds came by. They came to the birdbath early in the morning, then the ravens took over for most of the rest of the day. Given this information, reluctantly I got up this morning at 6:30 to set out the Canon 5D Mark III #8 with 24-105mm lens set on 105mm, prefocused, motion trigger. Then I went back to bed.

These images are heavily cropped because it was unknown where in the frame the bird was going to be when the motion trigger went off. The advantage of sitting in a blind is you can use a tighter field of view and fill most of the frame with the subject. You move the lens to frame the subject, and ideally you set the focus point right on the eye. The risk is sitting there for hours and having no bluebirds coming by. And that's why I use prefocusing and motion trigger, and have to use a wider field of view:

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