Thursday, August 15, 2024


Shooting pictures of critters is something that fills my idle time. With family gatherings the past few weeks, there has been little idle time. It is finally starting to quiet down, so I dragged out my "outhouse" hunting blind to see if I could get some closeup images without relying on prefocusing on a spot. I bought this blind 20-some years ago and used it a few times in my back yard in Massachusetts. I got it out here in Montana once a couple years ago, but for the most part it is easier just to let the motion trigger do the work rather than sitting in this little outhouse. So far today I've gotten a few magpies with the 500mm lens, but I'm hoping for bluebirds and maybe even the flicker later in the day.

I think I got this from the blind last time I used it in 2022.

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