Sunday, July 28, 2024


The Asteroid image grabbed from the video file yesterday was produced automatically by the Mavic drone. Today I was flying the Mini and took a panorama of stills. When I downloaded it, the 26 images were not processed. After determining that the downloadable DJI stitching program was eight years out of date, I wondered how hard it would be to stitch the images together in Photoshop. File > Automate> Photomerge took care of the stitching without any intervention on my part except for the need to delete one of the images of the ground that was getting inserted in the wrong area on the upper right side of the roof and the land to the right. Even after excluding that file, that area still did not render quite right, appearing muddier than adjacent areas.

The result was irregularly shaped, so I cropped it without resizing and ended up with an image 9,956 x 3,067 pixels. I tried some other merge settings in Photoshop and did not come up with anything better. Since I have Lightroom now I decided to see how that program would handle it. It actually did a better job, smoothing out the irregular shape and not choking on the file that was problematic for Photoshop. Lightroom produced a file 9,452 x 3,221. I did use Photoshop to adjust contrast and lighting, and resize to 3,521 x 1,200. Once again, guess who runs their lawn sprinklers 5 hours a day.

Someday I'll stop taking pictures of my house and go somewhere more interesting. For now, it is practice.

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