Saturday, November 2, 2024


I post lots of trail camera images of moose out in the woods at night, but every once in a while one wanders through our yard during daylight. Or in this case, right at sunset. I hadn't looked at the backyard trail cameras for several weeks since we have been gone, and was dismayed to find that Browning #11 had dead batteries. It might have been in position to get the moose jumping the fence just before I was able to get to my back door with the DSLR. Leave it to ancient Melted Browning #6 to get a shot of the moose from Oct. 21. (It looks like the same one, but who knows?) Also, from #6 on Oct. 15 is an image of a deer buck. If you flip back and forth between the moose and deer images, you get some idea of how huge a moose is.

I want to have a camera at the choke point at the northwest corner of our property, between the fence and the rock garden (for lack of a better term). If I hang a camera on the back fence facing east (as seen below), it triggers on cars going by. At most we only get a few dozen cars a day, but with multiple exposures on each trigger, it adds up to lots of images to go through. I had to flip through 5,000 images to find a few dozen of the moose and deer. If the camera is on the fence facing west, it gets triggered by waving grass. The owner of the lot behind us hasn't mowed it for four years. With no more mowing on our lawn this year, I sunk a steel rod in the middle of the lawn facing northwest toward the fence, facing away from "traffic" and hopefully far enough away not to get triggered by the grass. I bought a bunch of t-post mounts, and with a little piece of wood as a spacer they work well on a steel rod.

DSLR yesterday
Trail camera Oct. 21
Trail camera Oct. 15